Modern times have brought about modern miseries. Communication patterns and lifestyle choices have changed significantly. The increased exposure to social media, work-related stress, busy schedules, and a conveyor belt of ‘options’ has led to reduced quality time spent together, constant comparisons with other people, and a fair share of passing the blame. This has contributed to more misunderstandings, a lack of emotional connection, and the erosion of trust, ultimately leading to an increase in breakups and divorces.
Modern-day relationships have become increasingly fragile, or so it seems. And why wouldn’t it, when everyone around us seems to be breaking up or getting divorced? So is it all doom and gloom?
''Relationships involve exchanging energy at the level of thoughts and feelings, which then shape our perceptions. How we perceive our partners can either strengthen the bond and help the relationship grow or have the opposite effect. It's crucial for both men and women to be emotionally available for each other and foster a deep connection.
So for those men, seeking to look inwards and address unhealthy that may be holding them back in relationships, and in life, here are some things you may want to keep in mind, according to Dr Ishina Choudhary, counseling psychologist and founder of Insight Alchemy:
Here are some ways to avoid unhealthy behaviors that can negatively impact relationships and might be exhibited by some men:
1. Embrace Your Emotions: Some men may struggle with expressing their emotions openly, leading to emotional distance and a lack of emotional connection with their partner. ''
2. Don’t Be Toxic: Being overly dominant or controlling in a relationship can lead to feelings of powerlessness and resentment in their partner.
3. Face Your Fears: Men, like anyone else, may sometimes shut down or withdraw during conflicts, avoiding communication and leaving important issues unresolved.
4. Deflate Your Pride: A refusal to compromise or consider their partner's perspective can lead to ongoing conflicts and a breakdown of communication.
5. Put Your Point Across Communication is essential in any relationship, and some men may struggle with expressing themselves effectively, leading to misunderstandings and frustration.
6. It’s Okay To Get Help: Some men may be hesitant to seek professional help or counseling when facing relationship challenges, which can hinder problem-solving and growth.
7. Don’t Play Around: While infidelity is not exclusive to any gender, some men may engage in emotional affairs, forming deep connections with others outside the relationship, which can undermine trust and intimacy.
8. Listen To Your Partner: Not acknowledging or dismissing their partner's emotional needs can lead to feelings of neglect and emotional distance.
Both partners play a role in nurturing a healthy and thriving relationship, and working together to overcome challenges is key to building a strong and fulfilling connection
It's crucial to remember that unhealthy behaviors can be exhibited by individuals of any gender, even women, and it's essential to address these issues in a relationship through open communication, empathy, and mutual respect.
As humans, we exchange energies in the form of love, care, warmth, and power, and any fluctuations in these emotions can impact our relationships. Both men and women have the power to contribute positively to make their relationships anti-fragile by showing love, care, and understanding towards each other's needs.